Op 12 en 13 september 2023 vond de Big Data Expo plaats in de Jaarbeurs Utrecht. BI-Platform was zoals gewoonlijk weer aanwezig en sprak met een aantal professionals uit het vakgebied. Opvallend dit jaar is de stormachtige ontwikkeling van Machine Le...
In the past few weeks and months, I got these very interesting questions which brought up a several times. So, I try to explain here my understanding and my thoughts. If you have a diverging view, feel free to contact me on LinkedIn for a discussion....
GDPR describes different requirements how to work with your data. It includes aspects such as data lineage, keeping track of data owners and separating personally identifiable information (PII).In this webinar we will show you with the example of a h...
Deze workshop met Winfried Etzel behandelt de centrale pijler van Data Mesh: Federated Data Governance. Hoe zorg je voor een goede balans tussen autonomie en centrale regie? Praktische workshop van een halve dag op 3 april in Utrecht - schrijf snel in!
In this webinar you will learn how the architecture digitized process from Acceliance can help govern a single Data Model and deploy different parts of it to different Datavault Builder instances. In the realm of new Data platforms the concern of glo...
An online webinar where data warehouse experts from Datavault Builder and Theobald will showcase how straightforward, efficient and stable the integration of SAP data into a Data Warehouse can be. For many organizations, Data Warehouses have become a...
Leverage Snowflake's Zero Copy Cloning feature for full CI/CD with Datavault Builder by enabling developers to start new sandboxes in instances and deploy the changes back into the model using GIT and APIs. Your GIT flow-based CI/CD enables you and y...
Implement your data warehouse solution driven by natural language, business facts and aligned information models into a generated and operational Data Vault. CaseTalk has an intelligent way of converting natural language into information models all ...
Organize your data with a business-driven focus. Drive your technical solution. Capture and structure your business terminology and requirements in Ellie and generate your Data Vault solution in Datavault Builder. In this webinar, we will give you an...
It happens that from time to time I come across some statements about how databases work and how they shall be queried. And I like to read those recommendations. Especially if they come with a theoretical explanation. But even more, I like to read th...
From time to time we receive an interesting question from people interested in using the Datavault Builder: Does the Datavault Builder DWH automation tool supports 3NF? The interesting answer is: yes.Though we have actively decided against a 3NF core...